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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Site Review #1- Treasure Trooper

Over the next few weeks, I'll give you my opinions on what I think to be the best of the internet money making sites (of course, out of the ones I have participated in which are a few GPT sites). I'll try and tell you what I have found to be the pros and cons of each site that I'm a part of(I would also really love to hear of any other sites that are out there, feel free to comment and leave your referral link to them). The first one we will focus on will be Treasure Trooper.
This was the very first GPT site a became a part of. This site has a variety of ways to earn money and have fun doing it. In order to end on a positive note, we will start with the negatives first. 1)Lower Offer Approval- Now I know, this may not be the site's fault; and I know also that it could be something on my part, but I've noticed out of using the same methods in comparison on each site that treasuretrooper's offers seemed to sit in the pending pile a little bit longer. 2)Point System- Just out of comparison with Cash Crate, treasure trooper's point system is a definite negative. They offer you platinum coins, but in order to receive the platinum coins, you have to do offers that only offer you those coins and no cash (every now and then they offers with both). Other sites aren't like this at all. Cash Crate for example lets you build your points as you earn your cash.
What are some positives: 1)Quarter Bin, surveys & PTC-Although the regular offers seem to not approve as well, Treasure Trooper has it set up to where you can have the higher approving offers easily accesible, as well as a PTC section (Paid To Click) and surveys that are guaranteed money. I would almost guarantee that you could spend 20 minutes a day on treasuretrooper and get at least $2-$3 each day just by doing the quarter bin and the PTC section. 2)Fun Site- Treasure Trooper is almost like a video game that you can make money on. There are always fun treasure hunts going on in the forum, the forum is always full of people who love the site and want to help you out, and when you have enough to work with you can always go and visit Matbutu's Trading Hut. No matter what kind of mood you are in, you will never be bored on this site. It's very fun and very user-friendly.
After spending a few months on Treasure Trooper and having just now started to learn everything about it, I say they deserve an "A-" on my grading scale (as if that means anything).

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