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Friday, March 12, 2010

Paid to Post

The next way that I've found on the world wide web to make money, is to be paid to post articles. There are many sites on the internet that will pay you to post articles on the subject you are passionate about. I have to admit, I've only signed up for two so far and only made 1 post, but it seems to be a way that many people make money.
All of these sites are different. Some have articles already written, and they are looking for bloggers who will post these articles to their site. Other sites allow you to post your own article on their site, and you get paid for the amount of Google Adsense clicks you receive. There are also sites that you submit your blog to for review. Advertisers are able to find your blog based on your keywords and description. If they like your posts, and you get enough traffic, they will send you opportunities to review their site/product on your site. From what I understand, you make anything between $1-$100 per post. The more traffic you receive to your site will determine how much you make per post as well as how many offers you receive.
Writing articles online for pay seems to be a well known way of making money online. I hope this helps you on your journey of making money online. Here is a list of some sites that you can post for pay:

Review Me
Sponsored Reviews
Loud Launch

Later we will look at a very well known way of making money online: making money online with ebay! I've learned a lot in this area in the last few days. Hope to share it with you soon. Again, all you experts out there, if you read my blog and find something I'm doing wrong, please CORRECT ME!!! I am a learning internet money maker, so teach me.


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